The Importance of Language Access in the Manufacturing Industry

The Importance of Language Access in the Manufacturing Industry

Effective communication is the backbone of success in the manufacturing industry. It ensures not only the safety of the workers but also compliance with regulations and overall operational efficiency. However, for companies dealing with a diverse workforce that includes individuals with Limited English Proficiency, language barriers can become a significant roadblock. Let’s discuss the importance of language access in manufacturing and explore practical strategies to overcome these hurdles. 

Understanding the Key Role of Language Access 

These are some of the main considerations you should keep top of mind when it comes to language access in the manufacturing industry: 

  • Safety first: On the factory floor, where precision and caution are paramount, language barriers can translate into safety hazards. When workers struggle to comprehend safety instructions or warnings due to language differences, the risk of accidents and injuries significantly increases. Implementing language access measures becomes a crucial step in mitigating these potential dangers. 
  • Efficiency and quality boost: Effective communication—facilitated by translation services—is the key to enhancing efficiency in manufacturing processes. When workers can understand instructions clearly, they are more likely to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. This not only contributes to increased productivity but also elevates the overall quality of the manufacturing process by reducing errors and defects in the final products. 
  • Cost-effectiveness: While some may perceive translation services as an additional expense, they can be a wise investment in the long run. By preventing costly mistakes and accidents, these services contribute to improved overall efficiency. Furthermore, addressing language barriers can reduce onboarding time and costs, a significant benefit in industries where training is complex and time-consuming. 
  • Employee engagement and retention: Language access initiatives go beyond operational benefits; they also play a crucial role in employee engagement and retention. When workers feel understood and included, their morale and engagement levels increase. This, in turn, fosters a positive work environment and enhances the likelihood of retaining skilled personnel in the organization. 
  • Compliance matters: In the manufacturing sector, staying compliant with regulations, especially those set by organizations like OSHA, is non-negotiable. Providing training in employees’ native languages is not just a good practice but a regulatory necessity, ensuring that your company aligns with the required safety standards. 

How to Boost Language Access in Manufacturing 

To help improve language access in manufacturing, consider taking these steps: 

  • Implement translation services: Utilize translation services to assist workers in understanding critical documents and instructions, including safety guidelines, operating manuals, and employee handbooks. This ensures that information is accessible to all employees, regardless of their language proficiency. 
  • Offer multilingual resources: Make the work environment more accessible by providing multilingual resources and tools such as visual aids, bilingual signage, and language-friendly navigation systems. This promotes effective communication and ensures that everyone can move around the workspace safely. 
  • Provide native language training: Conduct training sessions in the native languages of your employees to guarantee comprehension. Translate manuals, eLearning courses, and add subtitles to training videos. This commitment to language access will reinforce safety protocols and proper equipment usage. 

The Takeaway 

Providing language support services is not just a luxury but a necessity in the manufacturing sector. By addressing communication challenges through translation services and other language access initiatives, companies can foster improved collaboration, increased efficiency, and a safer working environment for all.  

How Localization Can Play a Role in Good and Not So Good App Reviews

How Localization Can Play a Role in Good and Not So Good App Reviews

These days, consumers spend a lot of time on their smartphones and much of that time is spent engaging with apps. Why? Some apps are really fun and some are super convenient. From playing games to checking emails to navigating a new city to ordering food, smartphone apps play a major role in our daily lives.

If an app developer wants to capture the attention of multiple markets (and they stand to gain a lot by doing so), then they need to prioritize localization. Here’s why.

Why localization can boost reach for developers

When you develop an app for a user, you have to do just that — develop the app for their exact needs. It’s only natural a user won’t go out of their way to understand an app that isn’t in their native language.

When you localize your app to the languages spoken in your target markets, you make yourself a stronger competitor in the space and can compete with local developers who designed their app with their local population in mind.

While it can be very tempting for developers to turn to machine translation to make the process of localizing their apps faster and more cost-effective, this usually isn’t the best way to go. Why? App content typically is made up of short strings of text that have little to no context. Machine Translation can struggle to accurately translate this style of content. You need human involvement to translate and test this content effectively.

How localization can influence app reviews

Localizing your app helps improve the user experience and that can lead to much stronger app reviews. Understandably, if someone struggles to understand and navigate an app due to a language divide, the true quality of the app won’t even be taken into account. A frustrated user who walks away from an app due to a language divide isn’t going to leave a positive review and may even leave a bad one.

You don’t want to sleep on reviews. Having good reviews helps your app rank higher in the app store. Which means when consumers are searching for apps, they’re more likely to find yours.

Important considerations when localizing

When you do start the localization process, there’s some important factors worth keeping in mind.

To start, you don’t want to only focus on the language your target audience speaks. You also want to pay close attention to their culture. You want the content of your app, as well as the form and functionality, to resonate with your audience and to be intuitive to use. This is why it’s a great idea to hire a localization expert who is from the region you’re looking to target, since they have a strong understanding of the local culture.

It’s also important to test your app before you launch. The last thing you want is to receive bad reviews because you didn’t perform a quality assurance test before launching.

The Role of LQA in Ensuring Successful Video Game Localization

The Role of LQA in Ensuring Successful Video Game Localization

Behind every exciting gaming experience, there is a team of developers working tirelessly to create a masterpiece that not only entertains but also immerses you into a different world altogether. One of the most critical factors in ensuring the success of a video game is its quality.

Quality encompasses all components of a game, from its graphics and sound to its localization. This is where comes into play as a crucial aspect of the development process that ensures that the localization is accurate, appropriate, and flawless in the intended target market.

Keep reading for a closer look at what LQA is, why it matters, and what the different types of LQA are.

What is LQA?

In a highly competitive gaming industry, LQA has become an essential component in ensuring the success of a game’s localization. By working with experienced LQA experts, video game developers can deliver high-quality localized versions of their games, which not only resonates with players but also increases the likeliness of success in the global marketplace.

LQA testing is designed to catch any localization errors that can detract from the overall gaming experience. These errors can range from mistranslations due to lack of context to cultural inaccuracies, and even improper font usage. With thorough LQA testing, these issues can be detected and fixed before release.

To guarantee quality, during the LQA process, experienced linguists who are fluent in the target language and culture, and most probably are avid gamers themselves, play the game and thoroughly review every aspect of it. This step allows them to pick up on any linguistic nuances that could potentially take away from the gaming experience. If any errors are found, they are flagged and fixed to make sure that players can enjoy the game without any language or culture-related issues.

What are the different types of LQA?

LQA encompasses three different types of quality assurance (QA): linguistic, visual, and functional.

  • Linguistic QA focuses on any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues in the content. It also ensures that culturalization problems, inconsistent translations, and untranslated names or terms are flagged for correction.
  • Visual QA deals with font issues, user interface problems, and any graphics or images that are incorrectly placed or formatted. They also check for content that has been left untranslated or any issues with missing characters or line-breaks.
  • Functional QA is the most complex type and involves testing on different hardware and gaming devices such as Android, iOS, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, and PC. During functional QA, specialists test for compatibility, performance, AI behavior, and accuracy of audio text and subtitles.

Why LQA?

LQA is a crucial step in game development that ensures all localized versions of your game are just as good as the original version. By investing time and resources into LQA, you’re showing your gamers that you care about their experience and value their feedback. Not only does this lead to happy players who are more likely to recommend your game, but it also prevents potential bad publicity that can arise from poorly localized games. With the rise of online communities and social media, it’s more important than ever to make sure your game is of the highest quality in all versions. So, we strongly advise against skipping LQA—it not only saves time and headaches, but it also helps to ensure the success of your game.

The Takeaway

LQA is a critical aspect of video game development and localization. By upholding the highest quality standards, video game developers can ensure that their games provide an immersive experience to players, thereby increasing their chances of success in the global market.

Thriving Together The Impact of Company Culture at Terra 

Thriving Together: The Impact of Company Culture at Terra 

Having a strong company culture—also known as corporate culture or organizational culture—helps businesses retain the best talent, increases productivity, and improves employee happiness. Let’s explore what organizational or company culture is, why it is important to cultivate a good culture, and what benefits it can bring in the long run for organizations that prioritize it.  

What is “organizational culture” and why is it important? 

The term “organizational culture” is often discussed in business, but a clear definition is hard to pin down. It comes from social anthropology and includes the knowledge and beliefs people acquire in society. In the 1970s, this term became crucial for meeting the needs and values of workers. Today, companies value it more than physical assets, using it to shape new strategies.  

Since we spend over half our day working and interacting with colleagues, a positive organizational culture significantly impacts our well-being and satisfaction in both professional and personal aspects of life. At Terra, we focus on building a strong company culture, recognizing its importance in our success. 

Company Culture at Terra 

Being a 100% virtual company since its inception in 2000, Terra has always prioritized creating opportunities for connection and support amongst our team despite the lack of face-to-face interactions. We understand the importance of fostering a sense of companionship and collaboration, especially in a remote setting where traditional avenues for communication are often limited.  

To address these challenges, we implement various strategies such as prioritizing phone over email communication, hosting monthly company-wide meetings led by our leaders to discuss business updates and vision, team-specific monthly meetings with our CEO, and weekly check-ins within each team for progress updates. Additionally, we provide recreational spaces and flexibility to ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling work experience for our team members. 

Impact on retention 

Within each team, microcultures inevitably form, even within the broader organizational culture defined by the company’s mission and values. These microcultures develop unique values and work styles. While these microcultures need to maintain respectful and functional dynamics that align with the company’s overall objectives, it’s equally crucial to respect their individuality.  

Numerous studies demonstrate that factors beyond compensation influence an individual’s decision to remain with a company. Therefore, acknowledging and respecting the unique microcultures within teams contributes significantly to employee retention and overall organizational success.  

Thanks to these efforts, Terra currently boasts a remarkable 95% retention rate. Positive feedback from climate surveys underscores the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating that employees continue to choose Terra not only for the supportive team environment but also for the career challenges it offers and the growth opportunities it provides for every collaborator. 

The takeaway 

Finding and training the right talent takes a lot of work and money. To retain top talent, you need to prioritize building a strong company culture that reflects shared values amongst your workforce. Doing so will help both the organization as a whole and individual team members thrive.

How to Compare Services From Different Translation Vendors

How to Compare Services From Different Translation Vendors

At first glance, when comparing service providers, it may be tempting to go with the least expensive option. When it comes to choosing a translation service provider, this can often be the wrong move to make. Why? If you receive a quote for translation services that is way cheaper than that of a different provider, then something is likely off. Either they are not quoting the exact same services (translation workflows are usually unique to each client) or the people who will be working on the project aren’t as qualified and trained as you need them to be. Oftentimes the linguist doing the job is still in training, is not certified, or is not specialized in the field.

When you choose the cheapest option, there’s a high chance that the deliverables you receive won’t match what you thought you were buying. As the saying goes—you get what you pay for.

That’s not to say you have to go with the most expensive option to get the best quality, which is why it’s so important to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. If two different vendors give you a different rate for the same language combination, you need to make sure you’re being offered the same product and only then can you benefit from going with the least expensive option.

These are some factors worth keeping in mind when comparing different translation service providers—especially if you anticipate having ongoing translation needs. Because that means the selected provider may become a long-term partner.


When getting to know different translation providers, pay attention to how your communication flows with them and what channels they use to communicate with you and your team.


You should also take note of what technology the vendor will use to work on your projects. A solid Translation Management System (TMS) and computer assisted translation tools (CAT tool) that allow for good terminology management and QA checks is a must-have.


Ask each localization provider to walk you through their work experience. Does the vendor have case studies or references they can share with you? Success stories and testimonials can also tell you a lot about the company. Experience is really important here, as one company might use non-professional translators or use very low-paying translators that don’t produce the best quality work, nor have resources in-house to check the quality of the work or use the right technology. That may explain why their prices are so low, so be very weary of vendors that offer inexpensive rates.


What workflow does the language provider use to manage projects in a seamless fashion and what integrations do they offer to work with your company? Make sure they align with how you and your team like to work.

Project management

You want to work with a good project manager to make sure the process runs smoothly from start to finish. See if you can find out what the level of expertise the project management team that will be working on your projects has. You can also find out what time zones they are based in to make sure you can align timing wise and can facilitate ongoing dynamic interactions. It can be helpful to meet with the project manager, project management team, or translation team beforehand via a phone call or video call to help make sure you’re all on the same page about project needs and workflow.

Quality control

What quality control measures does the vendor have? Are they certified by international quality standards like ISO 9001 and 17100? Do they work with in-house reviewers and quality control specialists? These are important questions to ask to learn more about the quality control that a vendor offers.


You want to work with a translation company that has a good reputation in the industry and amongst translators. You can look for feedback about the company in social media and online forums to make sure they are a trustworthy vendor.

Company culture

Does the company culture of the provider align with your team’s culture? When you share the same values, the provider feels like an extension of your own team.

The Takeaway

As tempting as it may be to choose the most affordable translation vendor so you can stretch your budget as far as possible, it’s important to compare the services and the experience backing those services before you make a final decision.

How Does Terra Handle Translation Projects Containing ePHI

How Does Terra Handle Translation Projects Containing ePHI?

We believe that every person, regardless of their background or native language, has the right to comprehend their medical information, which may require translation services.  

When it comes to the handling of electronically Protected Health Information, the utmost care must be taken in order to adhere to HIPAA regulations regarding privacy and security measures. Here’s how the Terra team handles translation projects containing ePHI

First Things First 

Before kicking off a translation project containing ePHI, we typically have a call with the client to better understand their needs, expectations, and special considerations. If they have concerns about cybersecurity measures or want to learn more about the HIPAA-compliant team that will handle their projects, we will walk them through our training program and introduce them to the strong culture of compliance we promote. 

Receiving a Project 

Once everyone is on the same page and the client is ready to send their first project, they usually do it through a secure file transfer platform (of their preference) where they upload the files containing ePHI that require translation. Our team also receives an email from the client where the details of this project are included, such as language pair, word count, and deadline. 

Assigning the Project 

Next, we move on to assigning the project to a Terra account manager (AM) trained in HIPAA compliance. The AM opens the assignment email, analyzes the request, and downloads the files that need translation from the client’s platform to their encrypted devices. From there, they upload them to Terra’s secure storage platform. Then, the AM shares the project details with a project manager (PM) who is in charge of uploading the project to a secure translation tool, including only the vital instructions and information the translator needs to perform their job, and assigns it to a linguist selected from a list of already approved vendors.  

The linguists working on these projects are both experts in the healthcare field and are also trained in HIPAA compliance. To test their knowledge, they must pass an internal test to demonstrate their ability to properly handle the documents with the utmost care.

Translating & Editing 

When we’re ready to move on to the translating and editing stage, our trusted HIPAA-compliant linguist receives a notification about the assigned project and proceeds to translate it within the secure translation tool. The access this translator has to the project files is controlled, limited to view-only, and removed once the project is completed. 

Every person involved in the process has unique and non-transferable credentials. This helps us track everything and keep a record of the management of the project.

After the translation is performed, the next step is editing and an editor reviews the final version, making sure there are no spelling, grammar, or formatting errors.  

While the use of a CAT tool during the translation process supposes the use of a translation memory (TM) as well, our team has an established process to make sure that segments containing ePHI are not stored in the project TM

Final Delivery 

After editing steps are finalized, the project is ready and the PM in charge delivers the files to the client through the client’s secure platform. The final files are uploaded to our own secure storage platform for a set period of time in case they are needed in the near future, and after that period is over, the files are deleted.  

The Takeaway 

Terra ensures a secure and compliant ePHI translation process, prioritizing confidentiality and integrity. Clients can trust their sensitive healthcare information is safe thanks to Terra’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in handling electronically Protected Health Information. 

Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Brazilian Portuguese in Video Game Localization

Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Brazilian Portuguese in Video Game Localization 

The gaming industry’s global expansion paved the way for unique opportunities in emerging markets. Brazil, in particular, emerged as a powerhouse in the gaming world, becoming the world’s fifth-largest market in terms of player numbers and one of Latin America’s fastest-growing gaming markets. With a staggering $2.7 billion USD generated in gaming revenue in 2022, Brazil’s ranks 10th in worldwide gaming revenue. 

Let’s delve into why video game developers and publishers should carefully consider localization into Brazilian Portuguese. 

1. Unique Brazilian Player Base 

The potential of the Brazilian market becomes even more clear when you understand how strong their player base is. Brazil is home to a vibrant gaming culture where over 70% of the population actively engages in gaming activities. The majority of these gamers fall within the age range of 25 to 34, with a significant portion also being parents, making family-oriented gaming experiences highly valuable. Many Brazilian gamers are willing to spend money on games to unlock exclusive content, creating a substantial market for localized games tailored to their preferences. 

2. Lack of English Proficiency 

English proficiency in Brazil is relatively low, with only 5% of the population being proficient in the language. Consequently, gamers in Brazil often struggle to get the full experience while playing games in a second language. Games localized into Brazilian Portuguese have proven to be immensely popular, evident from top-selling titles like The Last of Us: Part 2, Pro Evolution Soccer 2020, and FIFA 2020. These games were specifically tailored to the Brazilian audience, resulting in significant market success. 

3. Broken Immersion in Video Games 

In line with the previous point, the absence of games in Brazilian Portuguese creates a language barrier, breaking the immersion for Brazilian gamers. Engaging with complex narratives and making quick decisions in a foreign language can be frustrating as it diverts their attention from the intricate gameplay and captivating graphics. This disconnect compromises the gaming experience, making localized versions essential for maintaining player engagement. 

4. A Vocal Community 

Brazilian gaming communities actively voice their desire for localized versions of video games. Online platforms and social media channels serve as hubs where gamers rally together, urging developers to provide games in Brazilian Portuguese. The Legend of Zelda incident in 2022, where fans demanded a localized version after the franchise actively promoted the launch of the game in the country, underscores the passion and need for games catered to the Brazilian audience. 

The Takeaway 

Now that you are aware of the eagerness of the Brazilian gaming community to play and invest in video games, it is likely crystal clear why it’s important to bridge the language gap. While localization strategies may entail associated costs, the potential benefits far outweigh the investment. By translating games into Brazilian Portuguese, developers can tap into an expansive market, captivating not just the 5% of the population that are proficient English speakers but the entirety of the Brazilian gaming community.  

Opening the doors to this passionate and dedicated player base can lead to unprecedented profits and unparalleled success, making the localization effort a strategic imperative for any gaming enterprise. 

Preparing for Company Expansion Scale Your Team Through Staffing Solutions

Preparing for Company Expansion? Scale Your Team Through Staffing Solutions

As businesses undergo rapid expansion, the demand for new talent becomes critical. As exciting as hiring can be, the process of acquiring and onboarding diverse skill sets and backgrounds can be more intricate than expected. In certain situations, expanding may even entail the creation of entirely new departments. Faced with these challenges, decision-makers must choose between managing the recruitment process internally or opting for staffing solutions. Let’s explore how staffing solutions can effectively address the evolving needs of organizations during periods of growth and change. 

What is Staffing and What Does it Entail?

Staffing encompasses the activities of a third-party organization that recruits, selects, and hires employees, subsequently assigning them to work for another organization. This approach enables the client organization to address its workforce requirements without directly handling the hiring process. Staffing services come in various forms, including temporary staffing for short-term assignments and permanent staffing for long-term positions.  

Key components of staffing services typically include: 

  • Recruitment: This process involves identifying, attracting, and selecting individuals with the necessary skills and qualifications to meet the organization’s specific needs. 
  • Onboarding: Ensuring a seamless integration of new hires into the company culture, this step equips them with the essential resources and information needed to thrive in their roles. 
  • Training and development: These elements are pivotal in maintaining a successful workforce strategy and fostering employee retention. Training and development contribute to individuals staying with the company for extended periods and developing a clear career path. 

Why and When You Should Consider Staffing

Companies looking to rapidly expand their workforce should assess their HR department’s capacity and resources to handle a time-consuming recruitment process. Staffing services provide a comprehensive solution for effective workforce management without overburdening HR departments, allowing them to focus on day-to-day responsibilities. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with highly technical or specific job requirements, global recruitment needs, and time constraints. 

The Team Up Boost!

Our own experience in building and growing teams has taught us there are additional aspects to consider during the hiring process: 

  • Multicultural recruiting: With the increasing trend of tapping into global talent, staffing partners can address challenges related to market traits, regulations, payroll, and logistics, ensuring diverse cultural backgrounds enrich the workforce. 
  • Company culture alignment: Ensuring new hires align with the company’s values and mission promotes talent satisfaction and retention. 
  • Follow-ups: Regular check-ins are vital to ensure smooth operations for both the organization and employees. 
  • Custom-made solutions: Flexibility is key. Effective staffing solutions should not only meet current needs but also allow for future adaptability. 

The Takeaway

Companies experiencing growth should carefully consider the benefits of staffing solutions. An experienced partner, such as Terra Team Up, can navigate challenges and act as an extension of the HR team. Choosing staffing solutions wisely can unlock the potential for seamless expansion and sustainable success—all while helping you build your dream team.

Why is Localization So Important to UI and UX - Portada

Why is Localization So Important to UI and UX?

In today’s economy, customer-focused strategies have become the key to success, and companies need to stay ahead of their customers’ needs and expectations if they want to remain competitive. Increasingly, companies are needing translations that speak directly to their customers not just in a language they understand, but in a way that respects their culture and resonates with them. This is why localization is so important to UI and UX.

But What’s the Difference Between UI and UX?

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are two closely related but distinct concepts in the field of app development. The main difference between UI and UX is that UI focuses on the surface-level design aspects of an app or online tool, while UX is focused on the overall experience a user has when interacting with a product.

UI design is all about creating attractive, visually appealing elements for users to interact with, such as images, colors, layouts, menus, buttons and more. All of these components make up the interface of an app. A successful UI should be intuitive and easy to use; it should also be aesthetically pleasing to look at. For example, if an app includes lots of buttons or other objects that are difficult to understand or navigate around then its UI likely needs to be improved.

UX design deals with designing a product in order to maximize user satisfaction. It’s not just about making something look good; instead, it’s about creating an enjoyable user experience by taking into account factors such as usability, accessibility and convenience. UX designers strive to create products that not only look great but also provide a smooth and intuitive interaction for users so they can easily achieve their goals. UX designers often consider how users will complete tasks within their products as well as other elements such as branding and marketing strategies that can contribute to user satisfaction.

In conclusion, UI focuses on the visual aspects of an app’s interface while UX focuses on optimizing the overall experience a user has when using a product. Both are essential components of developing apps with high levels of user satisfaction which must work together in tandem for successful app development projects.

The Role of Localization

When it comes to UX, design, culture and language are closely tied together. All of these elements—and the sub elements of each—work together to create an experience that the user is drawn to. As a result, localization can really make or break that experience.

If you have an impressive UI but your localized content overflows because it’s longer than the space available, it will not look pretty. For example, if you’re localizing content into a language that is read right to left, then the whole design will need to be mirrored. The chosen color palette also plays a role, as colors are associated with different meanings in different cultures. If your product includes images or say, emojis, those should also be checked for cultural appropriateness in the target market.

Last, but certainly not least, let’s consider the linguistic quality of the localized content. If what the user reads on screen is not up to par, they may also decide to stop using the product. All these aspects, and many more, impact the usability of a product and may damage the experience of the user.


Localization should never be an afterthought but rather a priority during the product development process. By taking the time to consider all potential adaptations that may be necessary in the future, you’ll save yourself both time and money down the line. The most important thing is to always create a UX that resonates with users, regardless of which market you’re targeting. Have you made localization a priority in your product development process? What tips do you have for creating a UX that resonates with users?

Communication Matters: Translating After-Visit Summaries for Patient Understanding

Communication Matters: Translating After-Visit Summaries for Patient Understanding

Today, increasing language access in the U.S. healthcare industry is more important than ever. About 29.6 million people are identified as having limited English proficiency (LEP). Because of this, the translation of many patients’ after-visit summaries when attending a medical appointment becomes crucial.  

What is an AVS and why is it important?  

An after-visit summary (AVS) serves as a post-appointment document for patients that summarizes their health status and outlines future care steps, including self-management tasks. This document is so important to have because it enhances care and health outcomes for both adult and pediatric patients and makes life easier for their families or caregivers. The AVS includes treatment decisions for acute and chronic conditions, while for pediatric patients, it aids in tracking growth, development, immunizations, and specific instructions related to diagnoses. It’s a valuable tool for guiding self-care outside clinical settings, planning future appointments, and sharing crucial information with other healthcare providers. 

The critical role of AVS translations  

To better understand the important role translation plays in the realm of AVS documents, let’s look at a helpful example. An adult needs to start taking a statin medication (a group of medicines that help lower your cholesterol) and the explanation in their AVS is in a language they don’t speak, or they are not proficient in. In this case, the patient will likely not realize what they need to do next, and their cholesterol will go unchecked. Any type of misunderstanding will interfere with the patient’s current condition.  

Patients have the right to understand their health status and the instructions they must follow to take care of themselves, or in the case of parents, to take care of their children’s health. Having access to an AVS in their native language decreases the risk of them making a mistake when taking medication or missing their next medical appointment.   

How accessible language increases patient comprehension  

Understanding their medical condition can feel overwhelming for patients, which is why a compassionate approach is always necessary when it comes to communication. The message conveyed, irrespective of language, should be clear and accurate. That way, patients can easily grasp the necessary steps for recovery. Translating such documents requires tailoring the language, style, and tone to suit the recipient. Utilizing straightforward language aids in effective communication, fostering trust and respect between patients and their healthcare providers. 

For instance, while translating medication prescriptions and instructions it’s best to add the generic drug name to help patients locate their medicine easily at their local pharmacy. This thoughtful approach enhances comprehension and ensures better adherence to treatment. 

Another effective approach involves adapting complex medical terms and clarifying acronyms to ensure patients comprehend instructions for properly taking their prescribed medication. For example, rather than directly translating abbreviations like “4 puffs Q4 PRN for wheezing or cough” in EN>ES, it’s preferable to break it down into easy-to-understand steps.  

Providing instructions like “4 descargas cada 4 horas, cuando sea necesario en caso de sibilancia o tos” in Spanish, which translates to “4 puffs every 4 hours, when necessary, in case of wheezing or cough,” helps patients grasp the information more clearly and accurately. 


To recap—an AVS holds significant importance in the medical field, particularly for vulnerable groups facing communication barriers, like those with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

Clear communication serves as the cornerstone for establishing trust and respect between healthcare providers and patients. This, in turn, leads to enhanced care, improved health outcomes, and a more positive healthcare journey overall. Advocating for increased language access is pivotal in shaping a healthcare system that is more inclusive and centered around the needs of the patient. It’s a step toward creating a healthcare environment that prioritizes every individual’s understanding and comfort, fostering a more equitable and patient-focused approach.