Sharing is Caring Using Webinars to Enrich Employees, Companies, and Industries

Sharing is Caring: Using Webinars to Enrich Employees, Companies, and Industries

Keith Ferrazzi, an author and entrepreneur, once said, “Power today comes from sharing information, not withholding it.” We exist in a world that has become accustomed to instantaneous results – statistically significant data, applicable strategies and solutions, and most of all, relevant and accurate information. So much of what people do daily is connected to vehicles for information sharing. From push notifications on phones and watches to dinner recipes narrated by Alexa, rather than seeking out information, the expectation is that it be placed in everyone’s lap. What is one of the best ways to quickly share and receive information straight from an expert source with very little cost to all involved stakeholders? The webinar. With over 25 years of specialized experience in translation and localization in several fields including healthcare, video games, and education, Terra Translations has been purposefully seeking out opportunities to participate in web-based information sharing, specifically via webinars. 

On February 27th, thanks to the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), Colleen Beres, Chief Strategy Officer, and Marina Ilari, CEO, of Terra Translations were able to execute a live webinar entitled “Nurturing a Remote Workforce: The Peaks, the Pits and Some Tips for Leveraging Global Talent”.


The goal of this live webinar was two-fold. First, to educate participants on how the world of employment and labor, as well as employee expectations, have evolved in the modern world. And second, how companies, regardless of industry, can leverage the power of a remote workforce to recruit top talent, reduce costs, and create a nimble and supportive corporate culture. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and it inspired the Terra Team to question who else could possibly benefit from this type of information. What are other companies doing to share their expertise with the world?

Before launching a webinar or any kind of web-based forum, there are some critical components to consider when developing content that will be engaging and impactful. First, know your audience. The translation industry is inherently diverse and global – that’s what makes it such a wonderful and unique environment for information sharing. Therefore, each participant will come to the table with different opinions, dilemmas, and governing regulations. It is vital that content be presented in a way that is adaptable and universal; it should allow viewers to comprehend an idea and customize it to their specific situation. Second, be sure to present content that is broadly relevant and relatable. The timing of Terra’s discussion was, unfortunately, very appropriate considering the current COVID-19 pandemic; leveraging a remote workforce is no longer a luxury, but a necessity as the world attempts to contain the spread of this virus. When strategizing the exact content to be shared, it is best to evaluate subjects that are top of mind and align with company and personal expertise – then take it two steps further and drill down to create value for the audience. 

As the world continues to get smaller through increased digital connections, professionals need to rely on one another to be challenged, stay curious, and inspire growth. This connection should be leveraged in ways that create learning opportunities instead of noise for the sake of being visible. What can you share with the world that will improve your industry and your peers? You can learn more about GALA and it’s incredible resource library by visiting

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