5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Multimedia Localization Provider

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Multimedia Localization Provider

84% of consumers have made a purchase because of a company’s video. If you look around, it won’t be a surprise that video content is taking over. The success of video content is a great example of the power that multimedia content has to offer. Video content often combines graphics, audio, and text to make a powerful statement.

Given the growing popularity of multimedia content, it makes sense to pursue new customers in new markets using the multimedia content you already created. You know that this style of content performs effectively because you’ve tried it in your local market. While it may seem like a direct translation would make it possible to take this content to a new market, it isn’t quite that simple.

Adaptations are often necessary to connect with a new audience and to ensure that this multimedia content resonates with them. But how do you even get started? You find a multilingual localization provider—but not just any partner. You need to find a partner that will understand your business and your project, and who can help you get to these new markets successfully.

These are some of the aspects worth considering when talking to localization providers and selecting them.

1. Communication

A good localization provider should be ready to learn all about your project and not just explain how they generally do things. Pay attention to how they communicate. In the event you want to pursue a long-term relationship, communicating effectively will be key.

Are they friendly? Are they responsive? Your project and your launch are the most important thing to you, so you want to have the peace of mind that they’ll be there to support you every step of the way.

2. Expertise

In every interaction you have with a potential multimedia localization partner, assess whether they are asking you the right questions. Taking note of the questions they ask you will inform you if they know their stuff and if they have worked on similar projects before.

It’s also a good idea to inquire about their specialty fields. If you are in healthcare, engineering, or any other highly technical industry, you want to make sure the people working on the project are industry experts.

3. Project Management

Once you carefully cover the project characteristics and needs, you should analyze the project scope, workflow, and timeline of the project. You should also inquire as to who will oversee the execution. Will there be a dedicated project manager? Again—the importance of working with someone who is totally devoted to the success of your localization project can’t be stressed enough.

4. Vendor Management

Multimedia localization projects need many professionals to work together towards the success of a project. Translators, transcreators, editors, graphic designers, DTP specialists, video editors, subtitlers, voiceover actors, and voice over directors are just some of the team members you need on your side.

It’s important that you make sure that your localization partner has a pool of talented individuals available for each of the services your project will need. This will help you avoid having to look for more providers for specific services and will guarantee consistency across all your content.

5. Scalability

It’s likely your project will evolve and grow once you start seeing the results of localization. You may want to localize the multimedia content into more languages or may decide to launch new modules of an e-learning course. It’s recommended you assess whether this provider has the capability to scale in volume and target languages and if they can handle other types of content and formats. That way, when you’re ready to take your next steps in the localization journey, they can continue to support you.

The Takeaway

You generally only get one opportunity to launch your product or service in a new market successfully. If it doesn’t go well on that first try, your brand can lose credibility and you may damage your brand’s reputation.

First impressions matter—so make sure that when you select a multimedia localization partner, they give you the confidence that they will guide you to success.

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