Search Results for: localization – Page 3

How to Become Your Localization Team's Hero - Portada

How to Become Your Localization Team’s Hero

A strong localization kit is made up of multiple elements that vary in accordance with the complexity of a particular project. In general, localization kits contain a translation memory, glossary, termbase, style guide, and reference materials. Having a well-built out localization kit is a great way to get a project headed in the right direction.


How the Video Game Localization Testing Process Works and Why it Matters

It takes a lot of work to create a video game with an intriguing plot, well-developed characters, and a unique universe. The work doesn’t stop there if you want to localize your video game in order to break into new markets. A key step to ensuring that your localized video game is just as dynamic as the original is to undergo localization testing (…)

How to get the buy-in for localization from stakeholders-PORTADA

How to Get the Buy-In for Localization from Stakeholders

First things first, you have to set clear localization goals that will guide the requests you’re making and that can outline what you hope to achieve by investing in localization. Whether you’re looking to increase revenue, attract new customers, or improve global brand recognition, you’ll want to outline your end goals.

Discover how Game Developers Can Make The Localization Process Easier

How Game Developers Can Make The Localization Process Easier

When preparing to launch a game in a new locale, going a step past translation into localization is necessary to help a game connect with a new audience on a deeper level. The localization process not only translates the source material into a new language, but makes important adjustments to the content to take historial, religious, and cultural elements of the game into account.
