Tag: Spanish

Do I need my website translated into Spanish - Portada

Do I need my website translated into Spanish?

If you have an English speaking website for your business, you could easily leverage the work you’ve already put into building an effective website by translating your website into Spanish. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits that come with translating your website into Spanish and the important considerations to keep top of mind regarding Spanish variants. 

How Can We Be More Inclusive in Spanish?

How Can We Be More Inclusive in Spanish?

Humans continuously evolve, but as we do, we struggle to let go of what is familiar. In recent years, a debate has emerged about if the gendered aspects of the Spanish language should evolve with us or be left alone. Currently, the Spanish culture is divided (…)

Spanish Voice-overs How to Get it Right

Spanish Voice-overs: How to Get it Right

Spanish is one language with a shared basic core. However, colloquialisms, dialects, and even grammar can greatly vary from region to region. Spanish spoken in Latin America differs to the Spanish spoken in Europe. Even (…)

Latin American Spanish vs. European Spanish - Redes

Latin American Spanish vs. European Spanish

From spellings to accents, there are notable differences between English in America and English in Britain. Similarly, Spanish differs from Latin America to Europe. Because the distinctions are not monumental, both regions can still (…)

What is the U.S. Spanish Variant

What is the U.S. Spanish Variant?

There are over half a billion Spanish speakers across the globe according to a 2017 study from the Cervantes Institute. With population growth soaring in Spanish speaking countries as well as the U.S., this number is (…)
