The Craft of Translation A Legacy to Protect

The Craft of Translation: A Legacy to Protect   

A Timely Theme 

This year, the International Federation of Translators (FIT) has selected “Translation, an art worth protecting” as the theme for its celebration of International Translation Day. This theme recognizes that, while translation is sometimes viewed as a straightforward process of conversion, at its heart, it is far more than a mere act of swapping words from one language into another; it’s an intricate art worth protecting. As the development of AI and the expansion of the digital sphere continue to reshape the world as we know it, the FIT calls on all of us to protect this unique art. 

The Craftsmanship of Translation 

Just as a crafty wizard combines ingredients to create a powerful potion, a skillful translator weaves words together to form a new text that captures the essence of the original and is infused with what made it so special. 

Consider the challenge of translating poetry or literature, for example. The translator will want to preserve the rhythm, tone and emotion of the original work, all while making it accessible and meaningful in another language. This requires the ability to not only do linguistic gymnastics but also walk the tightrope between two cultures and know how to invite the reader into this other world. Clearly, with so many elements to juggle, the translator is doing much more than an apples-to-apples equation.   

The Importance of Protecting Translation 

In much the way that spending time in nature helps us develop an understanding and appreciation for it, spending a moment reflecting on translation can bring the vital role it plays in our world into sharper view. 

 Here are some of the many reasons translation is an art worth protecting: 

  • Cultural Preservation: Translation safeguards the richness of unique cultures around the world. It keeps the magic of storytelling alive and facilitates cultural exchange and mutual understanding. 
  • Global Communication: In today’s interconnected world, translation allows for the global exchange of ideas, and it plays a key role in uniting nations and fostering peace, understanding and development. 
  • Access to Information: Translation ensures that information is accessible to people of all linguistic backgrounds, thereby leveling the playing field and promoting inclusion
  • Historical Record: Many ancient texts have survived only through translation. Protecting this vital craft ensures that future generations can access these records and the wisdom and experiences of the past. 
  • Creativity and Expression: Translators are artists who create works that stand alone while honoring the original. By protecting translation, we can ensure that new interpretations of existing texts can reach and delight readers and expand their horizons. 

Let the Celebration Begin 

On this special day, we encourage you to take note of all the ways translation contributes to your understanding and enjoyment of our world. Have you read a translated novel? Discovered a new favorite show thanks to subtitles? Heard first-hand accounts in international news segments? Whatever it is, know that a dedicated translator is behind it, practicing their craft to connect us as members of a global community.     

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