Tag: Medical Translation

Building a Digital Fortress for ePHI A Three-Layer Defense System

Building a Digital Fortress for ePHI: A Three-Layer Defense System

In a world defined by seamless connectivity and digital advancement, safeguarding electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) stands as a paramount responsibility, especially within the realm of healthcare. As technology intertwines with the sanctity of personal health data, the stakes are high and demand a robust defense system. 

Translation of Summary of Benefits and Coverage 101

Translation of Summary of Benefits and Coverage 101

All professionals in the medical industry should have their consumers’ best needs at heart, this includes insurance companies. Generally they do, which is why so much importance is placed on the translation of Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) in the medical industry (..)

Why the Translation of Medical Insurance Claims Matters

Why the Translation of Medical Insurance Claims Matters

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, can it also keep the medical insurance claims away? Nobody enjoys paperwork, but medical insurance claims are a vital part of the healthcare system. If patients don’t want to pay out of pocket, and medical providers want to receive swift payment, it’s important that everyone works together to properly file these forms (…)

The Translation of Discharge Information 101

The Translation of Discharge Information 101

If only an apple a day kept the doctor away. Dealing with any type of medical issue, big or small, can add stress and discomfort to a patient’s life. Even worse though is when a patient can’t understand their discharge information, which is a vital part of physician-patient communication (…)
